
Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead (2009)

DVD Cover (Twentieth Century Fox)
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Overall Rating 46%
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Connections: Wrong Turn

When their transfer bus crashes in a West Virginia forest, a group of convicts and a corrections officer meet a rafter who is on the run from cannibalistic hillbillies who have murdered her friends. --IMDb
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Review by Crispy
Added: November 9, 2009
Thus far, the Wrong Turn franchise has been a lot of fun. Even the second one, which was cheesy as hell, put a huge smile on my face throughout it's running time. All that comes to an end here, however, as Declan O'Brien completely missed the point of this series.

While out on a rafting trip, Alex and her friends run into Three Finger, a bow and arrow wielding, mutated cannibal who wastes no time wasting three of her friends. Meanwhile, at a maximum security prison, a particularly nasty and well connected prisoner named Chavez is scheduled to be transferred with a handful of other inmates. Realizing that there's a very high probability of Chavez's men making an attempt to break him out mid-route, the warden moves the transfer ahead by a week along a secret backwoods route. Naturally, this backwoods route heads right through the territory of Three Finger and teenage Three Toe (possibly the baby at the end of two?), and the two run the prison bus off the road. In the confusion, Chavez gets his hands on a shotgun and assumes command over the other prisoners and the two cops, Nate and Walter, along with them. The group crosses paths with Alex, and she is forced to tag along. Soon after, they run across a broken down armored truck, loaded with millions of dollars. Chavez forces them to take the heavy bags of cash along with them, planning on working the split out later. As they try and find a way out of the woods, greed and tempers flare, especially between Chavez and another overly violent prisoner named Floyd. Oh, and there's also this minor subplot where Three Finger occasionally takes out the prisoners one by one.

I have absolutely no idea what the hell O'Brien was thinking here. How in the world did he figure this was an acceptable entry into this series? My first thought was perhaps O'Brien never saw the first two movies. However, the first five minutes, the attack on Alex's friends, seems to disprove that thought as it's everything someone would be looking for in a Wrong Turn. Some young woman takes off her top for no reason, and then the deaths come quick and gory. And even though the CGI effects on the final kill here were absolutely horrible, it was still a pretty cool idea, and I might have been able to forgive it, but it was all downhill from there. Not only was the insanely bad CGI effects a problem with just about all of the kills, but even more disappointing was that Three Finger was all but forgotten in favor of watching these prisoners fight amongst themselves.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that there isn't a damned bit of entertainment in those scenes. We're handed a collection of one dimensional characters, but even so, a group of overly violent psychopaths should be able to provide ninety minutes of enjoyment. No dice, as the two most violent criminals, Floyd and Chavez, do little more than yell, "Shut the fuck up!" at each other repeatedly. Alex doesn't accomplish anything more than eye candy, and Nate just might be the worst hero ever caught on camera. The man needs to have his ass saved every fifteen minutes. Now wrap up all these cookie cutter roles with actors who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag (Tamer Hassan and Janet Montgomery were especially bad in this department), add a barely used villain (complete with the worst prosthetics in the series) and an inanely tacked on twist ending, and we have ourselves the latest Wrong Turn sequel. Obviously, not one that's worth a damn, but the honest truth is, they could release Wrong Turn 7 and I'm sure I'd at least watch each one at least once. Hopefully before they get that far they find a director who can recapture what made the first two movies what they were. 3.5/10.
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