
Jaws 2 (1978)

DVD Cover (Universal)
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Overall Rating 56%
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Ranked #1,876
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Connections: Jaws

Police chief Brody must protect the citizens of Amity after a second monstrous shark begins terrorizing the waters. --TMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: March 27, 2004
Almost the exact same plot as the first one... I'm half tempted to just copy and paste the other description here, but I won't do you kind readers like that. So anyway, we start out with some divers taking some underwater photographs of the Orca, the boat used in the first film. A shark comes up out of nowhere and gobbles them down. Main scenes start up, and we find we're in Amity, the same town from the first movie. Martin, the sheriff from the first movie, is still the sheriff, doing his sheriffly duties. He learns of these missing divers, and instantly thinks "shark". The mayor is planning some more festivities, as in the first movie, and Martin tries to get them cancelled, as in the first movie. The mayor won't do such, as in the first movie. Martin goes a bit nuts due to the extreme deja vu going on in this movie, and is consequently fired from his job of police chief. All is well, until he learns his kids are out on a boat and about to get swallowed.

Well, if you liked the first movie in the series, you'd like this one as well. Except for a couple of cast changes and a new ending, it's almost the exact same movie. People go in the water. Shark eats them. Chief warns people. Nobody listens. More people die. Chief warns more people. Nobody listens. More people die. Granted, this series doesn't really allow for a whole lot of variety, but sheesh. But at least the death count was a bit higher in this part of the series, which is always a good thing.

If this wasn't a carbon-copy of the first one, it'd get a 6/10 as well. But since it had zilch for originality, it gets a solid 4/10.
Edd #1: Edd - added August 13, 2008 at 9:11am
I still stand by my opinion that this movie was alot better than people make it out to be. 7.5/10
Nirrad #2: Nirrad - added August 13, 2008 at 1:53pm
I agree. I really enjoy this one, definitely a great sequel.
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