
Walking Tall (2004)

DVD Cover (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
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Overall Rating 58%
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A former U.S. soldier returns to his hometown to find it overrun by crime and corruption, which prompts him to clean house. --IMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: April 16, 2004
Chris Vaughn has returned from the army, back to his hometown. As he catches up on what he's missed, he learns that a lot has changed in this town. Jay Hamilton, a guy Chris knew back in the day, has done quite well for himself and taken over most of the town. He has a large casino that's the towns main cash-flow, and the cops won't touch him regardless of what he does because of the money he brings to the town. Chris is going to let all this slide, but when his nephew Pete gets into some drugs, he traces the drug flow back to Jay and his casino. Since the police won't do anything, Chris decides to take it into his own hands to clean up the town.

Nice little action movie, although it tended to drag a bit in the opening half of the flick. There's too much emphasis on Chris reuniting with buddies, seeing how the town went to shit, and some more catching up with the buddies. But after it started picking up with the action, it sure didn't slow down too much. I've never seen the original of this, so I can't compare versions; however, this one was definitely a nice job.

The Rock has once again suprised me with his acting skills. He's not exactly the best guy out there today, but he does a good enough job in this one. Johnny Knoxville is another one that surprised me, as I was expecting a lot of typical Jackass humor in his character. He does have his humorous moments here and there, but for the most part, he actually had a serious role. Good job, again.

So, the main focus of the movie; the action sequences. Indeed, they were quite nice, and very well put together. The scene at the sheriff's office is especially a pile of goodness, as it kept switching up the situation back and forth between good guys and bad guys. However, I do believe this movie could have done with one more really good action sequence. There's three nice ones, and one pretty lame one. Instead of padding the first twenty-thirty minutes with so much chit-chat, the should have had a bit of opening, some reuniting, and thrown in something there, as I was finding myself yawning throughout.

Overall, another good action flick coming from former WWE star The Rock. I can definitely see him becoming an ever bigger man in Hollywood down the road. 8/10.
Crispy #1: Crispy - added September 10, 2004 at 10:08am
correct me if i'm wrong but i think this was based on a true story
Chad #2: Chad - added September 10, 2004 at 1:51pm
Loosely based, but indeed it was. I've not seen the original version of the movie (this was a remake), but I've heard that that one was much better.
wikkidpiggykilla #3: wikkidpiggykilla - added December 5, 2004 at 8:31pm
this is not a bag movie really but in my oppion it is a horable remake its nothing like the original. this is just a movie for the rock if you like the rock you will like it. not real a bad movie if you have no expectations from the original though worth watching once Id say
bluemeanie #4: bluemeanie - added November 7, 2005 at 8:54pm
The Rock is no Joe Don Baker. "Walking Tall" is no "Walking Tall". Johnny Knoxville is not an actor -- when will people finally come to that realization?! This was one of the worst remakes I have ever seen. 0/10.
BuryMeAlive #5: BuryMeAlive - added September 29, 2007 at 6:29pm
Never seen the original, but this is a soild standard action. But yes, Johnny Knoxville is bad.
Lucid Dreams #6: Lucid Dreams - added February 14, 2010 at 3:01pm
TNT had a Rock day it seems. Anyways this brought forth some good action and real cheesy lines, so it did what most action movies do. Johnny Knoxville wasn't that bad though guys, I mean he won't be getting any awards on here, but he did alright. Too bad Dwayne is doing shitty Disney flicks now. 7/10.
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